The Cheviot Weekender

The Cheviot Weekender  Windy Gyle, Border Ridge and Clennell Street are just some names that those who have ridden around the Cheviots will be familiar with. The Cheviot Weekender would be a social affair hosted by Rich Rothwell from who recently created his own business on...

Yorkshire True Grit #SingleSpeedStyle

'If there was a Podium place for the Singlespeed category then I was 3rd' :-) A week on from my adventure stage race in Sri Lanka and I was now in a small village in North Yorkshire called Boltby at High Paradise Farm. To my pleasant...

To endure what is unendurable is true endurance

Rumble in The Jungle Sri Lanka 4 Day Stage Race 2017 ‘It’s always better the second time round’ The Sri Lankan air was warm, there was hardly a breeze - the blue skies and picturesque villages from the final climb on stage 4 looked like an artists...


Practice makes perfect – 10 Under The Ben After the Dirty Reiver and 200km of Gravel I was ready for some real mtb action so the following week I would be travelling to Fort William to challenge myself and improve on my previous attempts at 10...

#Moor2Sea 12.3.17

Cold and wet Winter from November until the end of February, not enough daylight and riding a fat bike single speed is the sort of thing I liked to put my body through. I needed a long ride out on the moors and when Saul “Single...

Battle On The Beach #BOTH17

BattleOnTheBeach Via BikeParkWales “Willy Waver”, “Sixtapod”, “BlueBelle” and “Popty Ping” all words that I would experience during my first trip to BikeParkWales in Methyr Tydfil where the squad of 6 Stadium Riders mountain bikers would fill their day with fast flowing downhill trails. Saul, Claire, Stephen, Aaron,...

The Heart Racing Descents

Every one day mountain bike race needs to finish with a heart racing eyes watering hand shaking descent. My favourites are Selkirk MTB Marathon, Breamish Behemoth and Tour De Ben Nevis.  ...