ClifCross #WET #WET #WET

Clif Cross 29th March 2015 a wet and windy one this year but fun too! 29 miles 4,000 feet A must do event for every #Cross and #mtbiker So close to home and so awesome  ...

First warm day in 6 months 7th March 2015

#mtb was on the menu for this warm day even though it was windy. I'm not complaining as it has been a long old winter from November so to have blue sky and mild air it really felt great. My mtb ride would take me...

Tour De Ben Nevis #Tough 20th Sept 2014

Tour De Ben Nevis No more Orange Flags!!!!! I’d seen enough of them as I approached the river crossing and I felt spent. A sandwich and a cup of tea would have gone down a treat at this stage of the race. 20 miles completed and my body felt...

The Manx100 27.7.14

“Black Arrows in Red Boxes is all I dreamt about last night” My next adventure would take me to the beautiful island of the Isle of Man where I would attempt to ride The Manx 100 mountain bike race. There is an option of either 100k...

The Crossing 11th-13th July 2014

#Rule 87 The ride starts on time. No exceptions.  The Crossing 11th-13th July 2014 Oslo, Norway was where the journey began for my riding partner and good friend Hans Kruger. His 2,000km trip via Amsterdam on Wednesday 9th July would, I hope, be worth all the hype that...