Snow and Cold in March

The coldest week for as long as I can remember the news and social media were calling it The Beast from The East. A cold wind from Siberia had drifted East and would sit on the top of the UKĀ for a good 7 days. The days and nights would be cold with wind chills of -10c. Icicles everywhere and then the snow came and then it was time for the Fatbike. I managed to cycle everyday in the snow and experience the cold. Norland Moor was just a white blanket of snow and then the wind came and caused massive snow drifts it was cool….Riding in the snow is hard work but fun.

Hopefully thats it for the snow as the Fatbike needs a new hub and i could do with Spring and enjoy some long rides in milder conditions. Its often said that when you enjoy what you do you are the happiest – well i love to ride my bike off the beaten track. I can ride with company but love my solo rides as this is when its just you and your thoughts.

I hope you all enjoy your cycling this year and make the most of the time you have on your bike because you don’t get a second chance in this life so make the most of it.

Keep on riding and see you on the trails xx